Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Here's a broadside to commemorate the passing of another great summer. 

to the 

Painting: Julie Baugnet
Poetry: Felip Costaglioli 
size: 6" x 14"
unique edition
image: oil painting
text: lithography

to the

I wish 
to celebrate
so many so many of them

oh beautiful
and past summers

and still wish 
to embrace 

how vibrant 
this one is

although softly dying 

and sing

the many ones with you to come

But maybe  should I decide 

once    once and for all 

that our summers never die

No they make us

° since each year
with them we are reborn

they make us  
a little eternal. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013

One of the poets I've collaborated with is Aurélia Lassaque. She has just finished a tour of England where she has read from her new book: Solstice
Here she is in London. Her work is in Occitan with English translations.

Solstice and other Poems

Poems in Occitan

by Aurélia Lassaque

Translated by James Thomas

Her work is published by Francis Boutle:

This is one of our collaborative books.